Thursday, May 19, 2011

Change of Plans

           As those of you who have been following me for awhile know, I have been planning to compete in the USA Triathlon World Championship race in Beijing, China in September.  However, as things often do, my plans have changed.  I recently competed in the St Anthony's Triathlon and ended up qualifying for the Hy Vee championship race in Des Moines, IA.  The Hy Vee championship is supposed to be one of the most competitive age group races in the US if not the world.  When I found out I qualified, I was really excited, but at the same time anxious because I knew I couldn't do it and race in Beijing (the races are only a week apart).  So, after much thought, discussion, and prayer, I have decided to choose the Hy Vee Championship race. 
        There were several factors that went into my decision.  First of all racing in Iowa versus racing in China will be much cheaper and much simpler logistically.  Secondly, because it is alot cheaper I will also be able to travel up to Vermont to compete at the Age Group Nationals race to try to earn a spot at next year's world championship.  It wasn't an easy to decision to give up the chance to be part of Team USA and the incredible experience that would have been, but I feel like I'm taking the path that God wants me to and I'm excited to see where it leads.  
        I will continue to keep you updated with my training, racing, and life happenings if you are interested, just at a different address.  The new blog site is

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