Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Parents for the Weekend

    This past weekend was so much fun.  Me and Matt drove out to Texas, to my sister Devon's house, to keep her 3 kids for the weekend while her and her husband spent the weekend in Austin at a marriage conference.  They have a 3 1/2 year old (Isaac) and twin 2 1/2 year olds (Jackson and Leah) that keep them busy and on their toes, so it was much needed time off.   
     We got to Devon's house around 1:45 Friday afternoon and got to hang out with her a little bit while the kids were napping.  The drive wasn't too bad, we really didn't hit much traffic, which is pretty unusual, especially driving through Houston.  The kids woke up around four and were so excited to see us, especially their Uncle Matt.  We didn't see Jon for long, they had to leave pretty much a soon as he got home from work.

     We spent the afternoon playing outside and building puzzles, then after dinner we took the kids to the playground and splash pad that is close by.  The kids had so much fun playing in the water and building sand castles and when we went to leave we realized we forgot to bring towels.  You can tell we are amateurs, but  luckily it was a short drive home.
     Saturday morning started out early (so I could get done before the kids had been up for too long) with an easy 1.25 hour bike ride followed by a moderate 1 hour run.  The roads around here aren't the best for riding, but I found a long country road that is decent, but there are some pretty good places to run.  When I was done, we decided to split up the troops, Matt took Isaac to Lowe's for one of those kid's clinics where he got to build a putt-putt game and then to McDonald's for lunch.  I took the twins to the mall where, of course, I realized I hadn't brought any strollers, so we didn't walk around too much.  they spent most of the time playing on the little rides they have and in the play area.  Then, after naps, we headed over to my aunt Pam's house for her birthday cookout.  They have a pool and the kids loved it, they were either eating or swimming.  My uncle Chuck made some great steaks and it was fun getting to see them and my cousins.
On the way to Austin
     On Sunday morning, we got the kids up a little early and made the hour trip to Austin to meet up with my sister Lindsey, her husband Matt and their 1 1/2 year old son Eli.  We met them at this huge park called Zilker Park.  It was really a cool place with a nice playground, a train that you could ride, and a really big spring fed rock pool.  Unfortunately we didn't have a lot of time to spend there, but the kids got to play on the big playground and we took a walk on one of the trails. 

      We left there around 11:30 to find a mall to eat lunch.  Devon and Jon called us on our way there, they were done with their conference, and they met us there.  We did pretty good this trip, the only thing we forgot was bibs for the twins (we left them in the car).  Unfortunately, Matt had to fly home Sunday afternoon, so Jon took him to the airport and they actually got to hang out for awhile before his plane left.  Me and Devon took the kids home, they were exhausted.  Around four o'clock I went for a pretty tough ride and boy was it hot.  I think it may be worse here than in Pensacola, if that's possible.

      We had more fun this weekend than we've had in a long time and the kids were great.  I think we were probably more exhausted after this weekend than we've been in a long time too.  We got a little taste of parenting and realized we definitely have a few things to learn and I think we have more appreciation for what it takes, especially for moms who are home all day by themselves. 
Making pizza with lots of help
      I'll be here for two more weeks, until the 27th.  My mom is going to fly down that weekend, I'm doing a race over near San Antonio, where Lindsey lives, and then we'll drive back.  Like I said, the roads aren't the best for riding around here, but I'll make do.  I'm also going to be able to go ride with my aunt Pam and her daughter later this week.  They have a killer hills course that they are going to take me on.  There are several good routes to run and a nice pool that's only about 10 minutes away, so I'll have no problem getting my training in.  The hardest part will be scheduling it around play dates, doctor appointments, and nap time

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