Friday, September 23, 2011

World Championship

As many of you know, last year I qualified for the Age Group World Championship in Beijing, China and was planning on racing in it, but decided not to.  Once I found out that next year's World Championship was in Auckland, New Zealand, I decided I'd rather risk it and wait and try to qualify for it instead.  If we were going to make that big of a trip for a race, we figured we'd rather go to Auckland than Beijing.  So I raced in the Age Group National Championship, the qualifier for Worlds, in August and I found out last week that the gamble paid off.  I got a spot on Team USA to race in New Zealand next October (2012).  I accepted the spot and am just praying that all of the details and financing works out.  Thanks for all of the support and encouragement that I've received along the way.

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