Sunday, February 5, 2012

Birthday post

Twenty-seven years ago today I was born in Ballston Spa, NY.  When I was contemplating what to write about, I though about going into my background and telling a little of my life story, but I figured that you read enough about me and decided to use this time to introduce you to the people who have put up with me for the last 27 years, my family.
            First of all, I have to say happy birthday to my twin sister Devon.  Growing up, we pretty much did everything together.  Being the same age, we had a lot of the same friends, were on the same sports teams, and of course shared a room for the first 16 years of our lives.  Devon is a very gifted athlete and excelled in all three sports (volleyball, basketball, and softball) in high school. We particularly enjoyed giving other teams fits together on the basketball court.  Now she keeps herself busy by filling the role of Super Mom, having four kids who are four years old and younger.  Devon is an incredible friend, always there when I need her; generous, with both her time and money; selfless, always putting others first; and very understanding, never judging.
            Lindsey, my older sister, was always the “mom” of the kids.  She was the responsible one who kept us on track and made sure we were taken care of.  She is very sensitive towards others and has always been there for me when I’ve needed encouragement, correction, or just someone to talk to.  Lindsey also did very well in all three sports in high school and even went on to play volleyball in college.  Her and her husband now live in San Antonio, TX and are busy raising their two-year old son, while preparing for another little boy that will be here in April.  Lindsey is a natural born leader and uses that gift in may capacities, she loves to serve others, and is so much fun to be around.
            Kevin, Lindsey’s twin, is the oldest of us four (though only by 20 minutes).  He was the typical older brother who always wanted to try out the newest wrestling move on his little sister, but he was also really good about including me and letting me hang out with him and his friends.  He is a sports fanatic, basically a walking sports encyclopedia.  He played soccer and basketball in high school and is now a very good runner.  Him and his wife live in North Africa where they work as missionaries.  I love spending time with Kevin, he has a great sense of humor and is just one of those people who makes you feel totally comfortable to just be your self.  He is very wise, which he gets from dad, and always gives good advice and is incredibly compassionate towards others.
            My parents, Jeff and Sue, are the ones who are responsible for us.  With God’s help they did something right in raising us because we all get along and actually enjoy each other and we all turned out all right, for the most part J.  Our love of sports and competitiveness come from them as they are both avid, longtime runners and now triathletes.  Mom is self-sacrificing to no end, kind, extremely generous, and always available when we need her.  Not to mention an incredible cook.  Dad is an adventure seeker, hard worker, and a great counselor.  They have both set high standards with their examples of what it means to walk as a godly man and woman and how to have a strong marriage.
            One other person who hasn’t been with me for the full 27 years, but who I couldn’t imagine life without is my awesome husband Matt.  I don’t know what I’d do without his love and support in all that I do. He’s a gifted drummer and the best friend anyone could ask for.
            Well there you have it, that’s a little glimpse into my family.  I couldn’t have asked to be born into a better situation and I’m thankful for each one. 

1 comment:

  1. And we are so glad that you are a part of our family, Dust! Thank you for your sweet words! You are an amazing sister, daughter, wife, aunt, friend, and you so much!
