Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Summer Days

About two weeks ago, my sister Devon and her troop arrived. They came so that they could go to her husband Jon's cousin's wedding, but were staying for the whole week. As usual, we had so much fun spending time with them and their kids Isaac, 4, Jackson and Leah, 3, and Carter, 8 mos.
Coming from Temple, TX which is about a 13 hour trip from Pensacola, is quite a feat with four young kids.  They made great time though, getting here by 7:30 on Friday night. After being in the car all day, the kids had plenty of energy to burn off even though it was almost their bed time.  After playing for awhile and then going on a walk, it was past time for the kids to go to bed which was fine with them because they were excited about sleeping in the room that Gi-Gi and Pop-Pop had fixed up for them with new bunk beds and all.

On Saturday evening they all went to the wedding, but there were no kids allowed at the reception, so me, Matt, and my parents picked the kids up and took them to the fountains downtown. They had an absolute blast running through and playing in the water.
Monday was Memorial Day, so everyone was off of work and we all went out to Matt's grandma's house in Perdido for the day. There were about 30 of us out there and as usual, Matt's dad and aunt prepared a great spread of food. We spent the day catching up with family and friends, catching fish and other sea creatures, swimming, and riding the jet ski. All the kids rode the jet ski, though Leah was a little scared of it and Jackson even rode on the tube pulled by the jetski (with his dad of course). The kids were pretty tired after a day in the sun with no naps. Jon and Devon got to go out on a date while my parents and we got the kids ready for bed.
One of the highlights of there visit was when the kids spent the night at our house. We picked them up on Wednesday evening, Matt took Thursday off work, and we took them to see the really big airplane movie (the IMAX at the air museum). The boys loved it and I think Leah just liked getting to sit on Uncle Matt's lap the whole time. Later that evening we got to see some friends that we hadn't seen in about 4 years. Heather was actually our volleyball and softball coach in high school.  Her and her husband brought their three kids over to swim and barbecue. We had a great time reminiscing and catching up.

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