This past Saturday I competed in the Double Oaks Duathlon at Oak Mountain State Park in Birmingham, AL. Believe it or not, it was my first time doing a duathlon (other than one triathlon where the swim was cancelled and turned into a short run). I was excited about doing it, but didn't think it would be too bad, after all it was a pretty short race, a 5k run, followed by a 20k bike, and then finishing with a 2.5k run, but I could have never been more mistaken. One thing I was a little nervous about going into it was I have been having some issues with some tightness in my peroneals and anterior tibialis muscles, but after a couple of appointments this past week with Dr. Jacobs in Gulf Breeze, I had no issues during the race.
Friday afternoon, me and mom drove from Pensacola over to Birmingham to check in and pick up our packets. I had never been to Oak Mountain before, but as soon as we entered the park I knew it was going to be a great venue. It is a beautiful area, it has miles and miles of trails, a big lake, and is just a peaceful place to be. They hold a ton of races there from 5ks to triathlons to even a 50k race and if you ever have a chance to participate in one I would highly recommend it. After checking in we took a trip over to Whole Foods, a must when we visit a city that has one, and then went to grab a bite to eat. Once at our hotel, we did the last minute check over our bikes and applied our Tri Tats (race numbers).
After an off and on night of sleep, we got up and headed over to the race site. It was another cold morning, I think it was around 41degrees when we arrived, so I was just happy we weren't jumping into the nearby lake to swim. The race didn't start until 8am and once the sun came up it started warming up and conditions were just about perfect.
Never having even been there before, I really didn't know what to expect as far as the course. The gun went off to start and I started hard, knowing that it was "just a 5k." However, after the first hill which was about 200 yards into the run, I realized I may want to back off a little or it was going to be a long day. That hill was definitely telling of what was to come. The first two miles of the run was on a hilly paved trail through the woods and the last mile was on a snaking, single track mountain bike trail. The mountain bike trail was very windy, the race director referred to it as "Mr Toad's wild adventure" and I was having a hard time because by then I was catching up to the guys who had started in the wave before us who did not want to let me pass. I know I lost some time on the trail and ended up running a little over 23:00, a little slow for me, but I figured I was in about 5th place with one girl chasing not far behind.
Mom coming off the bike |
Once onto the bike, it didn't take long to realize it was going to be much like the run...hilly. One of the worst hills had to be close to a mile long. Every time I came around a corner, I expected to be at the top, but it just kept going up. Less than a mile into it, I was able to pass one of the girls that had beaten me on the run to move into 4th. I knew I was going to have to ride hard if I had any chance of seeing the other girls again. The bike course was out and back and the only complaint I had about it was that the roads were open and there were quite a few cars at the beginning which created a few potentially dangerous situations with us having to ride around them.
Starting the second run |
I was passed by one girl right before the turn around, but was able to keep her in sight and not fall too far behind. Then with about three miles to go we were both able to pass the girl who had been in first after the 5k. Coming into T2 I was in 4th place, but not far behind the girl that had passed me on the bike who I figured I could catch since I had beat her on the first run. I was excited to get off the bike and was ready to get after the last run, after all it was less than two miles. I was not prepared for how my legs would feel. I don't know if it was the hills or starting with a 5k run versus a swim or a combination of the two, but my legs just felt gassed. After about a quarter of a mile I was able to get in a little bit of a rhythm and started working on reeling in the girl who was in front of me. About half way though the run I caught her and was able to find a spot on the narrow trail to sling-shot around her. I knew I had to stay strong though so as not to give her the hope of passing me back up. We got on the paved trail for the last half mile which I was so glad about, but I couldn't wait to see the finish line. I kicked as much as I could over the last quarter mile and was able to finish about 15 or 20 seconds ahead her.
Mom coming down the final hill |
I wasn't sure, but thought I had finished in 3rd maybe 4th if I had missed someone, but was excited when I saw the results and was listed as the 2nd place female finisher. I was a little confused though not knowing how I passed the 2nd place girl without realizing it, but after looking at the results a little more closely, I noticed that she had gotten a two minute penalty on the bike. So while she had technically beat me, once the penalty was applied, I bested her by a whopping six seconds.
Top three women |
When I was through with my race, I barely had enough time to grab my camera and get some pics of my mom as she came in on the bike and started the second run. She had a great race too, tackling those hills like a champ.