Monday, July 8, 2013

Training and Traveling


It's mid-summer and travel season is in full swing. As a matter of a fact as I type this, I am sitting in Pennsylvania 1200 miles from home. I love traveling for races or taking trips to see family, but fitting training in when you're out of your normal routine can be difficult, but not impossible with a little planning and creativity. 

First of all, when your mapping out your season early on, try to get as much of your traveling plans on the calendar as possible so that you can schedule around them. For example, if you know you are going to be taking a family vacation and won't have a lot of time to train make that a recovery week and squeeze in what you can. Or if you know you are going to be gone for three days and won't be able to ride your bike go heavier on the bike earlier in the week before you leave. If you know that your training is going to be limited and for example you are only going to be able to swim twice during a week while you're gone try to spread those sessions out. Do one session on Monday and one on Thursday instead of doing them Monday and Tuesday and then not swimming for 5 days straight. 

Before leaving for your trip, try to research the area where you are going. Try to get an idea of what the roads are like and if they are safe for riding and running. That is easily done if you know someone in the area, but if not, you may need to resort to calling your hotel or asking on internet forums. You'll also want to try to find a convenient place to swim. The best places I've found have been a local high school or junior college since they don't usually require an annual membership. Lastly, while doing your research you might want to find a local training group that will allow you to tag along that way your route is already planned for you and you can find out from the locals where the best places to train are. 

Lastly, go into the trip with a willingness to be flexible and creative. Be happy when you are able to squeeze some training in rather than getting upset when you can't train exactly according to plan. In between family time or business meetings, you may have to get creative to get a session in. Keep stretch cords with you for a quick "swim session" when there is no pool available, use the hotel gym weights and go back and forth between lower body exercises and jumping on the treadmill to simulate bike run bricks, or find a local gym that offers a spin class that you can join.

Most importantly, enjoy your traveling, enjoy your family, and train when you can. 

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