Friday, April 15, 2011

TGIF...I'm so ready for the weekend! It's been a good week, but I'm looking forward to the next couple of days.  Tomorrow my church is having a women's conference and I get to lead worship for it.  I've never played in front of a group without any other instruments, so we'll see how it goes.  All I want is to play well enough that I am not a distraction to those worshipping.  My mom is one of the keynote speakers and I'm excited about hearing her testimony.  Then on Sunday, I'm doing another race, the Bold Eagle Triathlon in Navarre.  I decided to do it last minute, just signed up two days ago, and am really just using it as a longer training session. 
     On Wednesday, we had a nice surprise, Lindsey (my sister), her husband, and friends stopped by for dinner.  They were on their way home from their vacation in St Augustine and went a little out of their way so they could come see us.  I made homemade pizza at my parent's house, we ate, hung out, and played a game.  It was so good to see them, even though they didn't have my nephew Eli with them.
     I had some tough training sessions this week.  A few of the ones that stick out in my mind were a ten mile run that I did on Thursday where for the middle 40 minutes I was alternating between 1 min max effort and 1 min easy.  My legs were dead by the end.  Another good one was this morning I rode 50 miles including some tough intervals and followed up by a short run.  I also got to meet Coach John on Thursday afternoon for an open water swim session.  As you can tell, I definately won't be tapered for the race this weekend :-)

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