Monday, April 4, 2011

    I had a pretty big week of training this past week, about 18 hours total.  Some of the highlights included meeting Coach John for a swim training session, attending an open water swim clinic put on by Multisport Performance Institute (MPI), and getting back on the trainer for a hard bike interval set. 
    I met Coach John at Portofino Resort out at the beach for a one on one swim session on Thursday afternoon.  Swimming is by far by weakest discipline, so any extra help I can get is great. We went through several drills particularly working on keeping my elbows high on the catch phase of my stroke.  John has been coaching for over 30 years and really know his stuff.
    On Saturday morning, MPI put on a free open water swim clinic out at the beach.  There were about twenty athletes that showed up for it.  They gave an hour lecture and then we were in the water for about an hour.  It was a little chilly getting in, but not as bad as I was expecting (we were wearing wetsuits).
    When I woke up Wednesday morning, it was storming, so I knew the pool would be closed and I'd have to wait until the afternoon to swim. I decided to go ahead and do the bike interval session I had planned for that afternoon on the trainer.  I have recently been in a running block, so haven't done many hard bike sessions lately so it felt good to be able to hammer it on the bike again.
    As many of you know, Matt is in the midst of taking the exams to be a Certified Public Accountant (CPA).  It's a four part test, he's passed the first two and took the third one on Saturday.  He didn't feel great about it, but we are praying he passed.  These tests are beasts and he is so disciplined in preparing for them.  Saturday was also my sister and bro in law's, Devon and Jon, fifth anniversary. Can't believe it's been that long.  It's crazy to think back on what has happened over the past five years and how life has changed. 

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